Journey and curiosity

We shall not cease from exploration. And the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.
— T.S. Eliot

Saying goodbye to summer is a bittersweet experience. It's my favorite season - I love the open ended quality of time in the summer and the sense of ease and possibility it invites. And summer often means travel. In order to learn and discover, we have to let go of what we think we know and allow ourselves to see things differently, and traveling is a great way to get us out of our habits and encourage this…

I was lucky to have spent a lot of the summer traveling - to our old farmhouse in Wisconsin, and to Italy. I connected with old friends and students, met new ones, rebooted my Italian, and spent wonderful time working with my teacher, Diane Long.

As sad as I am to see summer go, I am equally excited for what will happen in fall and winter: ongoing classes in LA, workshops in Northern California, and a very special retreat workshop with Diane in Mexico!

View from my bathroom window in Toffia, Italy

View from my bathroom window in Toffia, Italy

Retreat Workshop in Mexico with Diane Long
Only a couple of spots left
January 10-14, 2019
San Augustinillo, Oaxaca, Mexico

The year 2019 marks the twentieth anniversary of the passing of Vanda Scaravelli. Honoring her legacy there will be two events involving teachers who have a direct link in the lineage of Vanda and her teachings. Vanda herself had only three main students, with Diane Long being one of them. Diane has recognized seven dedicated, long-time students of her's, and would like to invite you to experience their teaching, along with her own, at these retreats.

More info and to Register

Ongoing weekly classes at Yogala Studios:
Mondays and Thursdays

Upcoming workshops this fall and winter in Nevada City and Sacramento!
Details coming soon.

I am also available for private lessons in person or on Skype. Contact me for more information and to schedule.



Change and discovery


A Very Special Workshop Retreat - Mexico, January 2019